This document is to help in understanding how Dada Mail is written.
Some of the main goals for these guidelines are to:
If any of the code does not, the specific function must be optional. For
example, a simple way to see if sending a webpage is supported is to eval()
the LWP::Simple module. If it returns no errors, we can use the subroutine
that depends on it. For example:
my $can_use_lwp_simple; eval { require LWP::Simple; }; $can_use_lwp_simple = 1 if !$@;
If there is simply no workaround, the best thing to do would be to make a specific plugin/extension that has the wanted functionality.
This also encapsulates OS-specific features. For the moment, Dada Mail is Unix-centric and does not work reliably on Windows platforms.
There is inline HTML in Dada Mail - we know. It's old code that's currently being pulled out of the program. No new inline HTML code will be accepted into Dada Mail. None. Nada. Zip.
Please see code that refers to the DADA::Template::Widgets "screen" subroutine for ways to hook in HTML::Template with Dada Mail. See the HTML::Template documentation at:
For information on how to work with HTML::Template documents (hint: it's pretty easy)
While there is no main Perl code style for Dada Mail, code for readability over anything else; code for expandability of features rather than succinctness.
Any advice given in Perl Best Practices by Damian Conway is good advice by us:
Must be valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional
...but not always realistic in practice. For the differences between Strict and Transitional, see:
HTML::Template is the templating language used for most all of Dada Mail's screens. Currently there is some inline HTML and we'd like to get rid of all of this ASAP.
Currently, there are three categories of templates. The first category is for the different top-level (X)HTML document/page types. And the latter two categories, which are the bits and pieces that then get included into those top-level templates, are Dada Mail-centric.
Templates that end in "template.tmpl" are the "document containers" for the various types of pages/screens in Dada Mail. Or to put it another way: these are the ones we'd add an ".html" extension to if it weren't for their HTML::Template includes.
These document containers include the bare-minimum (X)HTML structure for the document (e.g.: the doctype, head, and body), plus the general structure of the type of page in question (for instance, separate #Header and #Content sections for list_template.tmpl).
A few extra <div> and <span> "wrappers" can also be found in some of these templates, for CSS customization and cross-browser bugfixing purposes. To keep things as clean and user-friendly as possible, we'd like to keep these "extra" structural wrappers meaningful (like the #Logo and #Title wrappers inside the #Header), and to a minimum (no redundant divs-within-divs, unless there's a really good reason). [At the moment, this is still a work in progress.]
Templates that end in "screen.tmpl" are basically the chunks of code that get inserted into the top-level document templates, and that contain all the interesting, screen-specific content you'll see in your web browser.
NO screens should have form field without a <form></form> tag pair surrounding the form. DO NOT assume that there will be these tags available.
Templates that end in "widget.tmpl" are parts of a whole screen, and are usually inserted into a screen or another widget using the <!-- tmpl_include ... --> tag.
The whole idea of a widget is to allow you to use the same snippet of code in more than one template.
If the widget has part of a form in it - i.e.: an input tag of some type - please document this fact somewhere near the top of the script, as it aids debugging.
NO widgets are allowed to have a unpaired form tag.
When making a new template, always put a:
<!-- begin templatename.tmpl -->
tag at the beginning of the file and a:
<!-- end templatename.tmpl -->
tag at the end of the file. This makes it easy for developers and end-users alike to debug or customize things by reading the output source code (using their browser's "view source" feature) and tracking any line back to the template that created it.
Must be valid, unless it's an absolutely unavoidable hack.
Absolutely unavoidable hacks must be well-commented.
We really ought to avoid the six "bad practices" at:
but we haven't quite gotten to #6 yet (I'm thinking here of the admin template's: <body onLoad="init();"> ). And similarly, we should probably also be shooting for "unobstrusive JavaScript" as per:
but on that front, we're not even close.
Assistance and experience here would be greatly appreciated. :-)
These are the,
<!-- begin templatename.tmpl -->
<!-- end templatename.tmpl -->
Already discussed.
Several other proposed labels have been put into place for development purposes. All are optional.
As of this writing, "DEV:" - usually with the colon, and often ending with the writer's initials - is being used to label temporary inter-developer communication. For example:
<!-- DEV: added a flaming GIF logo here. what do you think? -js -->
The use of this in combination with TODO has some inter-developer requesting possiblities as well:
<!-- DEV: TODO: I need a custom variable here instead of this placeholder, but don't have the Perl chops to create it. (P.S. - What *is* a chop, anyway?) -sc --> <!-- DEV: The chop() function in Perl chops off the last character of a string and returns the character chopped. Yuck yuck yuck yuck. More seriously, it's better to use the chomp() subroutine. noob. -js --> Generally speaking, all DEV:s should be grokked, resolved and deleted before a stable release.
TIP: A quick and dirty way to find out all the DEV: comments would be to use the grep utility, like so:
grep -r DEV: dada
where, "dada" is the name of your Dada Mail directory.
BBEdit also has the, Multi-File-Search option.
Used to denote that a particular coding style isn't something that should be followed, but works on the current situation.
A small description should follow the label, allowing people insight on why a hack was put in place. For example:
# HACK - too drunk.
# HACK This is old code, put in here where listshortnames were the same as list names and both # could have spaces in the names. This should be looked at, removed and tested soon. $args{-List} =~ s/ /_/i if $args{-List};
Used to provide a helping hand for folks getting their feet wet in customizing Dada Mail. For example (in mail.cgi):
# HOWTO: # To make the default message subject on the "Send a Message" screen # read: "yourlistname" (without the quotes), change the above variable to: # # my $message_subject = $li->{list_name};
Basically, HOWTO provides an instructional bridge for people who want to go beyond the customization options available in, default.css, and the default templates, but who aren't yet Perl (or Dada Mail) experts. Whether or not you use the HOWTO flag, doing this here and there is a really nice afterthought if you have the time and inclination.
It may be up to the developers to apply the HOWTO labels after a release of a stable distribution, based on answers to questions put forth by users that are pushing the features that Dada Mail does make easily available. These labels could then be compiled in a interesting list of cool things to do with Dada Mail, or reviewed to see if any of the features talked about could - or should - be more easily accessible.
Marks an area that needs work.
Any other ideas are appreciated. I'd rather have TOO MUCH commenting going on than too little.
When you're comitting via CVS and working on a bug/feature request, please put the id of the bug/feature request in the comment of the commit.
A more verbose commit comment is appreciated, as these commits are combed to make the changelog.