You should be able to find these files in the Dada Mail distro, under, dada/extras/scripts/subscribe
and should include,
works much like if you submitted your own email address into a Dada Mail form, except it won't return HTML.
The SOAP interface allows programs written in languages other than Perl and/or located on a separate system to interact with Dada Mail.
The Perl server and the Perl client requires the SOAP::Lite CPAN distro:
The php client requires the PEAR SOAP distro:
Place both the subscribe_soap_server.cgi and subscribe_soap_client.cgi into the, "dada" directory of your working Dada Mail installation. Change the permissions of both to, "755".
Place the subscribe_soap_client.php file somewhere on your website, however you php folks do it.
Both the, subscribe_soap_client.php and subscribe_soap_client.cgi scripts have *three* variables you may have to change:
This should hold the URL to the subscribe_soap_server.cgi script
This should hold an email address you'd like to validate
This should hold a Dada Mail list shortname you'd like to validate against
The subscribe_soap_client.cgi and subscribe_soap_client.php scripts can be run simply by visiting them in a webserver. Doing so will print a simple report, like so:
* Email: * List: mylist Subscription Check: 0 Errors: * Error: already_sent_sub_confirmation * Error: subscribed done.
And, that's it.
Use the subscribe_soap_client.cgi and subscribe_soap_client.php scripts as inspiration for integration in your own perl/php programs - they, by themselves, are not complete scripts.