Required Reading: perlunitut perlunifaq Joel on Software The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) Time to fix the MySQL database character set then. First, I tried the easy way but that didn’t work for some odd reason. So I had to do it the hard way which involved changing the type of each column from CHAR(n), VARCHAR(n), TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, TINYTEXT or LONGTEXT to its corresponding binary type (BINARY(n), VARBINARY(n), BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, TINYBLOB or LONGBLOB) and then back along with changing the character to utf8. Here are the statements: ALTER TABLE t MODIFY column BINARY(n) | VARBINARY(n) | BLOB | MEDIUMBLOB | TINYBLOB | LONGBLOB [ [DEFAULT | NOT] NULL]; ALTER TABLE t MODIFY column CHAR(n) | VARCHAR(n) | TEXT | MEDIUMTEXT | TINYTEXT | LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 [ [DEFAULT | NOT] NULL]; DB_File, GDBM_File, SDBM_File, ODBM_File, dbm* Not encoding aware at all. You must decode and encode everything yourself. All communication with the outside world (anything outside of your current Perl process) is done in binary. Encoding (as a verb) is the conversion from text to binary Or, if you're lazy, just: 1. use Encode; I/O flow (the actual 5 minute tutorial) The typical input/output flow of a program is: 1. 1. Receive and decode 2. 2. Process 3. 3. Encode and output If your input is binary, and is supposed to remain binary, you shouldn't decode it to a text string, of course. But in all other cases, you should decode it. You should also check your modules, and upgrade them if necessary. Perhaps a good idea would be to add encoding to the screen() subroutine, as well as variable set, so I can have headers/footers be apart of the screen() subroutine, instead of the weirdness that's going on now. THere's HTML::Template;:Set. I have to make a new HTML::Template::Expr that also supports HTML::Template::Set (erm, HTML::Template::Set::Expr)? This is harder than it seems. Hmm. ======================================================================= Fri, 07 Jul 2006 14:46:17 -0700 Some more notes: 1. Assuming you have a Unicode-saavy text editor and are using Perl 5.8.1 or later, put "use utf8;" at the top of all your Perl files. When you do that, you can put literal Unicode characters in your code, so you can type in the "xxxx" literally. 2. If you are running in CGI mode of faux CGI mode like Apache::Registry, do a "binmode( STDOUT, ':utf8' )" when your program starts up, and also include a -charset => 'UTF-8' argument in your CGI header() call, so that your output is declared in and actually in UTF-8, so you can see output correctly. 3. Third, since seems to not be Unicode aware and passes data through as bytes, try doing this on what you get from param(): if (!Encode::is_utf8( $param_val )) { $param_val = Encode::decode_utf8( $param_val ); } ======================================================================= In' docs: -utf8 This makes treat all parameters as UTF-8 strings. Use this with care, as it will interfere with the processing of binary uploads. It is better to manually select which fields are expected to return utf-8 strings and convert them using code like this: 1. use Encode; 2. my $arg = decode utf8=>param('foo'); This is the only part of the docs that even mentions, UTF-8 It seems like a lot of work to decode each and every string from each and every param - why not just do this once, for all the params, EXCEPT one's named for file uploads we *know* are file uploads? erm, ======================================================================= A various buffet of problems, with a various buffet of solutions (I don't really trust a lot of the advice, but it gives me the idea that I'm not alone in my head-scratching Getting mad with CGI::Application and utf8 =======================================================================